Tek kada naučite idiome jednog jezika, znak je da taj jezik zaista i znate. Među frazama engleskog jezika ima i veoma, iz naše jezičke perspektive, smešnih:

  1. As Cool As a Cucumber (veoma smiren, bez uzbuđivanja)

Primer: She walked in as cool as a cucumber, as if nothing had happened.


  1. Hold Your Horses (izraz upotrebljavamo kada želimo da kažemo nekom da pažljivo razmisli o svojoj odluci)

Primer: Just hold your horses, Bill! Let’s think about this for a moment.


  1. Kick the Bucket (umreti (u slengu))

Primer: Charlie finally kicked the bucket. He had cancer, you know.


  1. Blue in the Face (neko je iscrpljen od velikog broja pokušaja da uradi nešto)

Primer : You can tell her to clean her room until you are blue in the face, but she won’t do it.


  1. Storm in a Teacup (ogromna količinu nepotrebnog besa i brige oko nečeg nevažnog)

Primer: My brother and sister had a big argument about the television yesterday, but it was just a storm in a teacup.


  1. Bob’s Your Uncle (nešto se može uraditi vrlo brzo i jednostavno)

Primer: Just tell them you’re a friend of mine and, Bob’s your uncle, you’ll get the job.


  1. Head In The Clouds (ne živi u realnosti, u svetu snova je)

Primer: He’s not right for this role, he has his head in the clouds.


  1. Dead As A Doornail (potpuno mrtav)

Primer: The fox in the road was as dead as a doornail.


  1. A Piece Of Cake (prosto, lako)

Primer: The test was a piece of cake.


  1. Heart In Your Mouth (nervozno ili uplašeno)

Primer: My heart’s in my mouth ever time it rings.


Izvor za tekst: Matadornetwork.com

Fotografije: Boredpanda.com

Prevod: Vera Majstorović